
Only as good as your equipment.

Keeping your knives sharp is very important. A blunt knife is more dangerous than a sharp one and that’s something to always remember.

A sharp knife has more control and cuts much cleaner than a dull blade. Always get to know your equipment before you start. Practice using them, as a newly weighted knife, and a longer blade edge can sometime throw your precision if you aren’t used to the size.

You should always sharpen your knife before each use to maintain a razor-sharp edge helping to prolong the life the blade. There are many types of ways to sharpen a knife so be sure to check out which is best for yours. We will cover this at some point in the near future.

Finally, always clean your tools down before packing them away. Sanitize and wipe, never stick them into a dishwasher! It will damage the knife and dull the blade much quicker. Look after them and they will last you a lifetime.

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